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Galvin B. Kennedy
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Compounding Pharmacy at Center of Pharmacy Malpractice Suits

When injuries occur because a negligent person or company wasn’t careful and made a medication error, the negligent party or parties involved can be sued for pharmacy malpractice. This is exactly what is happening currently regarding the nationwide fungal meningitis outbreak that has been linked to a compounding pharmacy’s contaminated medicines.

New England Compounding Center, the drug compounding pharmacy linked to this deadly outbreak, is already seeing a flood of lawsuits over the death and injuries their contaminated injections have caused. They are being accused of pharmacy malpractice, general negligence, breach of warranties and other wrongdoings. Because they are a small company and may not have enough assets or insurance to cover these claims, other parties involved are also being sued for malpractice, product liability, and negligence. Some of these parties include:

  • Medical Sales Management, Inc. (a sister company of New England Compounding Center)
  • Ameridose, LLC of Westborough, Massachusetts (another sister company)
  • Physicians
  • Health clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Others involved (suppliers and more)

Because the lawsuits are being filed in multiple jurisdictions (since victims live in various states including: Florida, Tennessee, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Virginia, Michigan, Minnesota, and more), these lawsuits may get complicated because different courts have varying definitions of malpractice, product liability, negligence, etc.

If you have been injured or if your loved one has been killed by the deadly fungal meningitis outbreak, contact our experienced pharmacy malpractice law firm, Kennedy Hodges, L.L.P., at 888-526-7616 for a free consultation today and start seeking justice.

Category: Pharmacy Malpractice

Labels: file a pharmacy lawsuit filing a pharmacy lawsuit harmful medication error harmful medication errors pharmacy drug error pharmacy error

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