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Texas court approves $158 million settlement in Risperdal fraudulent marketing case

David W. Hodges
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The state of Texas and Johnson & Johnson got court approval for an agreement to settle claims over fraudulent marketing of Risperdal. In the approved agreement to settle the lawsuit, filed by the state attorney general, the drug maker will pay $158 million to the state and its Medicaid program.

J & J aimed to make people believe Risperdal was safe for children and the elderly

Claims in the Texas case included that the company defrauded Texas’ Medicaid program by marketing Risperdal for unapproved uses, including for children with psychiatric disorders. And for claims the manufacturer concealed the severity of Risperdal side effects.

We’ve written before about the Risperdal lawsuit. Johnson and Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals allegedly aggressively marketed Risperdal for off-label uses in adults and children, including kids as young as two diagnosed with ADD and ADHD, for senior citizens with dementia, to treat bi-polar disorder, or stuttering. 

After reports of unsafe side effects, certain states brought lawsuits against the drug companies for alleged fraudulent marketing of Risperdal. J&J and its Janssen subsidiary lost trials in South Carolina and Louisiana over Risperdal marketing.

Many patients suffered severe side effects including,

  • tardive dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movements similar to Parkinson’s Disease), 
  • diabetes,
  • weight gain, and 
  • slowing of mental processes.

Some of the side effects were temporary, but many were permanent.

J&J and its Janssen unit deny any wrongdoing

But many companies state that settlements like these represent a resolution to claims, not an admission of any guilt. The case is a reminder that just because a drug company markets a new prescription does not mean it is safe.

Do you need a Risperdal lawyer?

If you or a loved one suffered severe side effects because of a prescription drug contact our prescription drug lawyers to start a free case review today. Large corporations will make the process of demanding compensation for the harm you’ve suffered very complicated. Contact our experienced personal injury lawyers to start your potential claim today.

Category: State Pharmacy Laws

Labels: children medication errors children were given the wrong prescription drug side effect lawyer medication error lawyer prescription drug lawyer

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