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Think Twice Before Putting Your Trust and Health in the Hands of Walgreens Pharmacists

David W. Hodges
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“Trust is a funny thing, never know what it can bring, but it sure can cause you pain.” While these song lyrics by singer Josh Abbott refer to an intimate personal relationship, the same could be said for any relationship we have with others, including pharmacists.

Every day, people around this nation put their trust in the hands of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and the pharmacy staff at their local Walgreens pharmacy. Unfortunately, many are injured in the process due to pharmacy errors—suffering physical pain, and even death, as a result.

So, Why Do We Trust Pharmacists?

Many people don’t think about this question, as they automatically just trust their local pharmacist. This could be because the public knows pharmacists have gone through years of schooling and training. Additionally, pharmacists know more about drugs and medications than the general public. Most Walgreens customers don’t question these facts, but they should be more concerned because pharmacists have been known to make mistakes.

Although there should be procedures and safeguards to protect against medication mistakes when pharmacists and pharmacy techs are preparing prescriptions, sometimes they are distracted, busy or tired, which may cause them to take shortcuts or fail to spot an error. When this occurs, a patient may be given the wrong medication or the wrong dose of medication and may suffer physical pain.

Pharmacy errors occur way more often than most people think, and licensed pharmacists have been disciplined for such drug errors. Unfortunately, medication errors are under-reported, and as a result, the public does not think about the consequences of pharmacy errors.

What You Can Do About It

The next time you drop off and pick up your prescription from Walgreens, check the medication to make sure the label reads correctly and speak with your pharmacist during a personal consultation before trusting that no errors have occurred.

If you have been harmed by a medication mix-up or other type of pharmacy error at Walgreens, call Kennedy Hodges, L.L.P., a drug error law firm, at 888-526-7616 for a free consultation and a FREE copy of our report, How to Make Pharmacies Pay for Injuries Caused by Medication Errors.
